Press / Media


Below a series of reviews from the Nektar, Brainticket & Huw Lloyd-Langton tour in USA from August/September 2011.

Reviews  bY: Verbicide Magazine, Sugar Buzz Magazine, Aural Innovations and Jersey Beat with a Huw you tube clip:

BB Kings, New York, 17th August August 2011:        Words and photos by Peter Terebesi



Following Picture by Jim Hathaway in Viper Alley Sept -USA



The announcement for the new issue from Jerry Kranitz is below. The Space Rock Invasion Tour write up is here:

Jerry Kranitz (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Review by: Robert Barry Francos - Jersey Beat : October 2011

Though usually associated with is early prog band Hawkwind, guitarist Huw Lloyd-Langton has fronted his own band, the LLOYD-LANGTON GROUP (usually listed as just LLG), even longer. Rallying from a series of illnesses since the start of the millennium, he’s bounced back enough to release his latest, “Hard Graft” ( Huw brings a lot of his life into his songs, with topics about missing both friends (“Hallo Friend”) and his mother (“Hey Mama”), lamenting over the lack of funding for cancer treatment (“PDT – Photo Dynamic Therapy”), and more than one song about the destruction of the planet by human hands. And Huw does here what he does best, which is prog. His guitar and vocals are echoic and processed, and part of his band (which varies mostly between a trio and a quad) is a synth (played by the late Tim Rice Williams). The instruments and vocals are almost melded together through the prog process, giving it a heavy (not in a metal sense), almost sopping feel. Only the voice and guitar stand out. Perhaps it’s because I was never a drug user that prog passed me by (or the other way around) and I found myself in the more sparse punk scene (which was also drug laden, ironically, but I felt an affinity with the music). The songs average about 6 minutes each, and there’s an hour’s worth here. They are not as turgid as most prog (also, Hawkwind was better than most in this way), but this still feels weighty and gravity-less at the same time. Yes, it’s a true oxymoron because it fits for how it feels to me. At the end are three “bonus” blues tracks that are my favorite pieces on here. In pure delta style with a Son House twang, these instrumentals are Huw by himself. Yes, the same echoic sound is used, but with just the one instrument, it feels more intimate than with a group.

Link to youtube:

Huw Lloyd-Langton in Cleveland, Ohio, USA – section of Huw’s solo set on Nektar Tour 28th August 2011 – HAWKWIND’S ‘HURRY ON SUNDOWN’.


But very important we would like give a big thank to Brian and Yvonne Perera and his team at Cleopatra Records for making this fantastic tour of 13 dates & 8,600 miles across USA possible. Nektar, Brainticket  & Huw played blinding sets at every gig.


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