Album Lyrics

You Walk The Wrong Streets

© Lyrics: Huw & Marion Lloyd-Langton
© Music: Huw Lloyd-Langton 11th October 1995

Recorded in Sweden by LLG for "One The Move" LP

You walk the wrong streets
You walk a heavy beat
When did it start
When did you lose your heart

Is there no end to the pain
I see nothing to gain
But here is a hand
Darlin you can take

I see you looking at me
I hear you crying
I hear you lying to me
I see you dying

I see you walking again
With a new man
I see no end to the pain
Your covered in bruises again

I see no end to the pain
I see nothing to gain
But here is a hand
Darlin you can take

Can't help thinking
Things could have been so different
I'm still hoping
For a solution

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