Huw formed Lloyd Langton Group (LLG) as a 3-piece in the early 80s. When he wasn't rehearsing, recording and touring with Hawkwind he needed an outlet for material he and his wife Marion had written over the years. This material varied from his work with the 'Hawkwind - Mothership' although his guitar style in both bands remains distinctive to this day.
LLG performed hundreds of gigs at venues round UK during 80s & 90s with two tours in Sweden. In London the Marquee was always the favourite.
During this period LLG recorded 7 albums:
Time Space & LLG
Night Air
Like An Arrow
River Run
Chain Reaction
On The Move ... Plus
One album not mentioned here was the first release "Outside The Law" bootleg album – a very poor recording which astonishingly went straight into the top 10 of the independent charts. An album we are not proud of although purists love the rawness of it. We tried for years to get it deleted.
Wind of Change – 'a' side first LLG recording
Outside The Law – 'b' side – should have been the 'a' side
Working Time – 'a' side free single with 'Outside The Law' bootleg – good recording
I see You – 'b' free single with 'Outside The Law' bootleg album – good recording
Dreams That Fade Away 'a' side
It's On Me 'b' side
All 7 CDS are not currently available but will all be re-released over next year or two with bonus tracks previously not released.
LLG has had many line-up variations with some amazing musicians contributing both here and in Sweden. All these musicians are worthy of mentioning for either standing in, touring or recording with LLG. The list is not in any particular order. Apologies if you have stood in or contributed to LLG and are not mentioned here.
John Clark – drummer & backing vocals – worked with Huw and Rob Rawlinson in the 'Magill' band. Recorded on LLG's single 'Outside The Law and 'Wind of Change'John also toured with LLG many times and is on several albums
Rob Rawlinson – bassist – worked with Huw and John Clark in the 'Magill' band. Recorded on LLG's single 'Outside The Law and 'Wind of Change'. It was issued free with the 'Outside The Law' bootleg album. Rob also toured with LLG
Martin Griffin – drummer - produced and recorded on the two LLG tracks, 'Working Time & I See You'. They were issued free as a single with the 'Outside The Law' bootleg album
Kenny Wilson – bassist – many LLG tours – recorded on 'Like An Arrow', and 'Night Air'
Tim Williams – keyboards & synth – recorded on new LLG album 'Hard Graft'.
Jon Harris – bassist – produced & recorded 2 LLG albums at his studio 'Old Pink Dog', 'Time Space & LLG & 'Elegy' and toured with them.
Warren Cann – drummer – worked with Huw, John Clark and Rob Rawlinson in the 'Magill' band. Although he played keyboards for a whole LLG tour.
Luthor Grosvenor – worked with Huw in Widowmaker & appeared with LLG at Marquee
Dave Bailes – drummer – toured with LLG
Rob Mayers – bassist – toured with LLG
Volker Von Hoff – drummer – toured with LLG and recorded the new album 'Hard Graft'
Richard Gillespie – bassist – played at LLG Burnt Oak Festival 2007 with Huw & Volker & recorded the new album "Hard Graft'
Swedish contingent:
Mats Stahl – bassist – Swedish LLG – and recorded on 'On The Move Plus'
Lars Schill - drummer & backing vocals – toured with Swedish LLG and recorded on 'On The Move Plus'
Bjorn Almquist – organ and harmonica - Produced and recorded on 'On The Move Plus' also toured with LLG Sweden
Romek Parol – drummer – toured with LLG Sweden and recorded on 'On The Move Plus'
Calle Mansson – rhythm guitar & backing vocals - toured with LLG Sweden and recorded on 'On The Move Plus'
Back to UK:
Jerry Cunningham – bassist – recorded on 'Chain Reaction' and toured with LLG
Lorraine Craig – backing vocals – recorded on 'Chain Reaction'
Dick Adland – drummer – was captured on 'Marquee Live Video' and toured with LLG
Gonzalo Carerra – keyboards & synthesizer – toured with LLG
Ric Patten – bassist – toured with LLG
Dave Caley – bassist – gigged with LLG
Jon Taylor – drummer – gigged with LLG
Lloyd George – keyboards - jammed with LLG
Ed Spevok – drummer – did fill in dates with LLG
Steve Clarke – drummer – did fill in dates with LLG
Alan Hopkinson – drummer & sound engineer – did fill in dates with LLG
To compile this list of musicians who have worked with LLG has been an amazing walk down memory lane. Some really memorable times, fantastic tours sprinkled with some pretty bad ones. Some hilarious and dire situations got through often by Kenny Wilson's sense of humour. Good turn outs, bad turn outs but hey it's all rock 'n' roll. The majority of the artists mentioned above are still around playing there stuff. Sadly too, some very dear musicians and friends are no longer on the planet.
This list of musicians Huw has worked with is not exhaustive as Huw has worked many other brilliant artists on many other projects. These pages purely relate to the history of LLG.
What is not included here are all the brilliant roadies & technicians who made the gigs and touring possible. Don't send the bill! Alan & Crem, we are guessing you are still out there? However that will all be included in the book if it ever gets written!
Huw's slogan 'It's a funny ole life". God Bless 'em all!'